So it's been snowing here. Quite a bit, actually. We have 12-18" inches on the ground, and snowbanks almost as tall as I am, as seen here...

See behind me there? Those are our mailboxes. The front parts are dug out, so they can still deliver our mail. The rest is a huge mound of snow. Anyhow, there's finally been a snow break for the last couple of days, but we have more coming. And coming, and coming, and coming. It seems this is pretty normal here. I'm not such a fan. We have snow mobiles that drive down our street. That's kinda weird. Sometimes this place is kinda weird.
Last weekend we went to Christmas in the Village with Amy, Michelle and Frank (that's my Sis-in-law, niece and nephew for those who don't know). To be more specific, we went to a craft show and watched a parade in sub-zero temperatures. The craft show was interesting. We were expecting a lot of doilies and toilet paper cozies, and we really weren't far off. The Cookie walk was no where to be seen (and damn, we were not happy about it. By we, I mean the adults. I'm sure the kids weren't happy either). We hobbled our cold, cold bones back to our house and decorated the place for Christmas.
In the evening we ventured out (bundled up like crazy!) to watch the electrical parade. It was actually pretty good, for such a tiny, tiny town. One truck was pulling a flatbed trailer with a bunch of people sitting around a real bonfire. Cool. Corbin enjoyed it, I think.... it was hard to tell as all you could see of him in the stroller was his nose and eyes. He must've enjoyed it, he was way warmer than the rest of us. I think it was about 6* with windchill. We weren't able to go see Santa afterwards, as it was just too damn cold. I was disappointed, but I'm sure we'll find another opportunity for Corbin to visit with him.
We found ourselves a tree at St. Vinnie's and promptly broke one of the legs while we were putting it in the car. It's now held at a slight angle with the help of fishing line. The soft/unbreakable/less important ornaments are on the bottom half, where most have been removed at some point by Corb-monster. It's all a little sad looking, really. Most of our Christmas village is out on our 2 little shelves, our stockings are hung above our TV with care, and Corbin has claimed the dancing, singing mouse as his own. We're all ready for Santa.
Corbin has been sniffley for a while here, I think the change in weather is getting too him. Nate and I have been on and off sickies too, as has the rest of the Roscommon clan. I hope this starts to go away soon, but I have a feeling that having a husband who works with old/sick people all day won't help.
Here' s a couple of random shots from the last few days...
Such a big boy!

Goofball :P

This is the infamous Elephant move. Arm up, raspberry noise. That's an elephant for ya, folks.

Mom, let's go!!!

Ready for Christmas in the Village

Enjoy the snow, ladies and gents.