Corbin and I are still at my parents' house, living it up here in Holland. We've been having a pretty good time, and have had lots to do. Yesterday we went to the Book Nibblers group for children 2 and under, at the Herrick Library. There were about 12 kids there, with their parents/caregivers, and us. We all sat in a circle and listened to a lovely librarian read a book, do finger plays, and play a song. I had my shy little Corbin sitting in my lap, staring at all of the new people and quietly wondering where the hell we were. All of a sudden my quiet, shy, momma-centered baby boy stood up, walked himself into the middle of the circle, and started to dance. Not just any dance, he was doing his patented Corbin-Squat dance. Squat down, point forward. There wasn't even any music on, just a somewhat wild eyed librarian reading silly finger plays. Yet, Corbin danced. He danced and danced and stood and stared, throughout the entire circle time. He also looked around to make sure everyone was watching him and enjoying his new skillz. They were, but really, how could they not?
Here is a video of Corbin doing the Corbin-Squat in my parents' living room, rocking out to one of his favorites, "Jungle Love". It ends with him attacking the TV and then my dad's slippers. All in a day's work.
Please, don't steal the kid's moves. I know it's tempting, but they are patented.
Corbin has also been putting away his toys at night (when I tell him to pick up each individual toy and put it in his toybox) and he's been grabbing my hand and taking me to the stairway when he wants to go to bed. How weird is that? Crazy kid. Just can't help but love him to pieces.
While we are here at Grandma and Granddad's we have had a lot of plans. We've already been to the Playhouse twice, the library, and on a hay ride. We are also going on a Halloween walk, to a Halloween festival, and then trick or treating at a Trunk or Treat thing at a church nearby. Corbin is having a great time. Here are a couple of pics of us at the orchard we visited (where the hay ride was). The first pumpkin one was from last year, same place. Oh how we've changed! The last two are Corbin playing at the park in our new hometown. That should fulfill your cuteness quotient for the day, so I am off to bed. I'll try to be back sooner, rather than later.

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