Corbin Likes:
-Wearing random hats
-Showing people his belly
-Santa Claus
-Animal Crackers
-Yo Gabba Gabba
-His play kitchen
-Daddy's Sunglasses
-Making his "ugly" face
-Turning off the computer
-"Single Ladies" by Beyonce
-Going places
-Poking himself in the eye
Corbin Dislikes:
-Deli Meat
-Having his diaper changed
-Taking a nap
-Not being able to turn the computer off
-Having to leave a store before he's ready
-Not being the center of attention
He's now saying a few more, shoe, eye, ear, nose (kinda), up, truck, dog, dada. He understands a ton, and shocks me everyday when he does something I've mentioned but didn't realize he understood. He did surprisingly well in Kentucky, visiting with so many people that he had never met before (or didn't remember). He runs off with the big kids when we have Sunday dinner, and would much rather walk than be carried. He climbs up onto the kitchen chairs and sits at the table sometimes, like he's just waiting for us to bring him a snack. He uses a spoon and fork (kind of), and today he got to sit on his potty chair.
He's officially a toddler now, and although I miss my sweet baby boy, I am having a blast with my little buddy. I'm starting to actually feel like a Mom now. I know the last year and a half have been difficult, with jobs and money and everything else; but when people mention how rough it's been, all I can think about it my lucky I am to have them. It may have been hard, but it's also been the best year and a half of my life.
Happy 18 Months, Buddy!

P.S. I know I still need to do a Christmas Dos, I'll get to it, I promise. I also owe a few people emails... I swear I will get to them soon, I've just been really slacking on that kind of thing. Plus they are the type that will take some actual thought and I never seem to have any of that left. ;)
Also I've used an excessive amount of commas in this post. For that, I apologize.
1 comment:
Landon has those same cheap zoo animals (and dinosaurs) from Walmart... he loves them. :)
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