Secondly, how are things going around here? Well, the biggest excitement lately was on Friday when Nate hurt his knee at work. He was moving a patient or something (and by patient I mean "resident" and by moving I mean "ambulating" or whatever fancy word they use there) and twisted it funny. He suffered through that night and the next day, and finally went in to the Urgent Care clinic yesterday. They put him on a "sit only" restriction for work, and told him he probably tore his meniscus. So he's off for a couple days, and may or may not be returning to work later this week (they might stick him in the HR office for a few days, if not, he is on worker's comp). So yeah. He's on the couch now. His knee hurts. Corbin, of course, insists on climbing on it. Poor Nate. :(
Thirdly, a recap of our Christmas in Kentucky. Long story short, we had a blast! Nate drove Corbin and I down to Lansing to meet my parents, and we took off from there. It was snowing, icing, or raining constantly on the way down. It was really an awful drive, and we were lucky to make it to the hotel in once piece. Thankfully the next day was much better, and all the way home we had smooth sailing.
We arrived at the cabin/house we rented on Christmas Eve. It was a full house with Corbin and I, my parents, Breanna, Christopher, Micah and Quinn, Sylvia (Breanna's mom) and Rich (Sylvia's husband), Viola (Sylvia's mom), and Trevor (Breanna's brother). Oh, and Molly (my parent's dog) and Samson (Sylvia's dog). It was a full house, to say the least. Corbin had a great time getting attention from everyone, playing with his new presents, and tormenting Micah by trying to steal her toys. ;) Poor Micah!
We laughed and laughed, talked, played some games, laughed some more, argued a teensy bit (varying political beliefs in that house!), shopped (a bit), opened gifts (for hours and hours!!), ate, and laughed again. It was so great seeing everyone. They are all family to me, and I love them to pieces. I'm so glad Corbin is going to be able to know them as well, and make friends with Breanna's girls. I hope our family's friendship continues into their generation. The only bad part was that Nate wasn't able to come. I know he would've had so much fun. Hopefully he'll be there next time.
Here's a few pictures from our trip (warning, pic overload!).
Quinn and I...

Santa even came! (does he look familiar???)

Corbin opening his Band in a Box (doesn't really seem like a good idea, does it?)

Corbin attempting to steal some of Micah's toys...

Chris and Quinn...

Corbin and Micah on their new couches...

Quinn (isn't she gorgeous?!?!)

On our way home... Corbin with his new lion.

I realize I didn't take any pictures of Breanna or Trevor or, well, pretty much anyone but the kids. Oops. :P Next time we'll have to take a family shot. Hopefully it won't be too long from now.
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