Saturday, October 11, 2008


So did my last post confuse any of you? I didn't mean to worry you, I honestly just didn't have enough information to share. Now I do, so I will tell you all what is happening.

So today we moved out of our house. Wait, let me start at the beginning....

Last weekend we went up to Roscommon to visit Nate's family and bring Leroy up to Amy's house. He is staying with her now, as are Max and Elton. We couldn't imagine him living in an apartment, and had a heck of a time finding one that would allow Pits. He was also starting to get a little too strong for Corbin, as Corbin would just run at him with his mouth open for kisses, and stand right next to him, letting Leroy's tail whack him in the face over and over. Anyhow, so the offer was made to Amy a while ago, she wanted him, and this weekend was the weekend.

While we were up there, Nate was going to apply to two nursing homes that his cousin works at. They were both hiring CNAs, so we knew he had a good chance of getting a job. He was offered both jobs, and decided on the one in Roscommon. The rent is cheaper there, it's right near his family, so Roscommon it is.

I should mention, Roscommon is a teeny tiny little town just north of Houghton Lake and south of Grayling. It's kinda in the middle of the state. If you'd like a map, please visit Nate's page. He's even color coordinated it. :) It's a different type of town than I've ever lived in, or wanted to live in. There is no Meijer, or *gasp* Target. I've been told I can somehow survive without a Target, although I doubt it. We'll see. There is a little grocery store, gas station, and McDonald's. 15 minutes away there is a Walmart and a pet store (thank goodness!). There are a lot of trees. A lot of hunters, a lot of snowmobilers, a lot of things that I'm not very familiar with. It will be different, it will be weird, it will be hard to get used to. But, I'm sure it will be fine and our little family will be happy there.

So, Nate was offered the job and was asked to come in for orientation this Wednesday. We need some time to find something to rent, so for the time Nate is staying with his sister and Corbin and I are staying with my parents. Hopefully it will only be for a few weeks, as I miss him already.

So, that's the story. We will be moving/have moved/are in the process of moving to someplace that is pretty far away. I am happy/scared/nervous/upset/worried/excited about this. Please continue to send good thoughts as I spend weeks upon weeks with my parents and eventually must learn to live with no Target. Thank you. :)

1 comment:

Lindsey said...

Okay- i know we didn't see each other a ton, but i really miss you. You are no longer just 10 minutes away, and that makes me miss you more. . .