Tuesday, February 24, 2009

It's not all about Elmo, all the time

That's what I caught myself saying to Corbin this morning. I swore it wouldn't happen. I swore my kid would not buy into this crazy toddler obsession known as Elmo. I can't stand the monster. But really, who over the age of 8 can? The annoying whiny womanchild voice, the speaking in the third person, the Elmo's World song... no thank you. And at first, Corbin agreed with me. He really could care less about anything on Sesame Street. He was a Yo Gabba Gabba boy all the way. We supported that. Yo Gabba is fun, has crazy characters, silly songs, and teaches good lessons. Their musical guests are indy bands like the Ting Tings and the Aquabats. They even have Biz Markie teaching the kids how to beatbox! How could it get any better than that?

But then it started... Elmo toys, Elmo toothbrush, Elmo's world... now when I go to get him in the mornings, more often than not the first thing out of his mouth is "AAAAAAAHHHHHHHHMO!!" Oh dear.

The obsession has now spread into all Sesame Street characters. The kid only says 20 or so "words", and 5 of them are Sesame Street characters. Lately it's all about "ERRRRRRRRRRNNNIE!" We got him a little stuffed Ernie from Walmart, and it's his new buddy. He give him lots of hugs, pets his hair, and plays this "up, up, up, down, down, down" game with him that I have always played with Corbin.

When Nate says "Daddy loves you!" to Corbin, he responds with "Ahmo". Nate has to say "and Elmo, yes." When I get him up from naptime, it's "Ehrrnnie? Ahmo? Bbbbbbbrrrr? (Bert)" Yesterday he spotted an Elmo stuck in the corner of claw machine at Walmart, and freaked out.

While we were up in Marquette visiting, Grammy got Corb an Elmo cookie from the bakery. He saw it, but wasn't allowed to have it till after lunch. A small freak out ensued. All the way through the store "Ahmo? Ahmo!!", all the way home "AHMO!!!". There was sobbing. Once we got back to the house and he ate his lunch, he got to have Elmo. He was a little confused at first, but eventually ate the whole thing. His face was all red, his belly full of cookie...and when I got him upstairs and settled in for his nap he very quietly looked at me with pleading eyes...."Ahmo?". Um, yeah, you ate him kid. So much for loyalty.


Anonymous said...

I love this post! LOL, Corb ate Ahmo.

Lindsey said...

I love reading your blog posts. I can just hear you saying these words. . . and, of course, i laughed the whole time reading it. Thanks for the smiles.

~Kristen~ said...

Elmo. I used to like him but I've watched Elmo's World like, 8 BILLION times and now I hate him.
Corb is adorable, as always.