So, it's been a while since I've written. It always seems harder to write when I haven't done it in a while. I think about it..."oh, I should probably blog about what's going on"...but then I think about all I have to say and it's just too damn much so I go on Facebook or Cakewrecks instead. Today I've decided to allow Corbin to watch the forbidden "Dragon Tales", so that I can finally hammer this thing out.
So....what's been going on? Lots, really. Also, nothing at all.
My Dad.... Most of you, er, probably all of you, know that my dad had a quintuple bypass surgery at the beginning of April. I went down to Holland to be there, and was there for a week or so. My sister and niece came for the surgery as well. The surgery itself went great, and we were quite pleased with his progress. But then he ended up with quite a few complications. He got illeus (which means his bowels didn't wake up from his surgery), was in A-fib, had major breathing issues, then got illeus again, got pneumonia, and also apparently has emphysema. He was in the hospital for 3 weeks, then out for 2 days, then back in for a week or so. It was a long, long, long month.
Corbin and I came home, then went back. Carmen flew in from Cali. My mom went to the hospital (almost an hour from her house) every day, and spent most of the day sitting in an uncomfortable chair, trying to get the doctors to spend more than 2 minutes talking with her, and trying to make conversation with my Dad...who was not in the mood to say much of anything at all. He was very un-dad-like throughout most of this, but is finally starting to act more like himself. Mom has been through hell with all of this, but has kept a positive attitude and just keeps chugging along. She is providing me with a fantastic example of what a good wife is. My dad (and I) are so lucky to have her.
He is home now, and doing mostly pretty well. He is on oxygen still, and likely will be for quite a while. A nurse comes to the house every couple of days, and his vitals are being monitored every morning. He still has some pneumonia, but it's getting better. He's been using a walker, but is starting to use a cane now. Corbin, Nate and I went down to visit last week and it was so good to see him at home, watching the History channel and watching the birds. He is still weak and tired and, well, a little different than normal...but he'll get there. Right now he has to focus on eating (he hasn't been eating much at all since all of this happened, and has lost almost 40 pounds), getting his strength back, and getting rid of the pneumonia. But with many prayers and good thoughts, he's come a long way. Thank you all, who have been thinking about us. We appreciate it more than you know. :)
Next up...Nate. So, Nate had his knee surgery on the 8th. They went in thinking it was a torn meniscus, but it turns out it wasn't. It was a gash taken out of his cartilage, that was rubbing against the knee. Also there was some loose cartilage in there, that the surgeon removed. He cleaned up the gash as best he could, but he told me they may have to do another, larger (open knee) surgery if the pain isn't better. Apparently if he had known this was what the issue was, he would've done the open knee surgery in the first place. Neat. So Nate has been off of work, on worker's comp. His knee still hurts. He gets his physical therapy evaluation tomorrow, and has another appointment in two weeks with the surgeon, I guess he'll find out what their plans are then. He was actually able to work the last couple of nights, doing one on one care with a resident (he just has to sit there and make sure they don't get up). I guess they want him to do this for the next few weeks, until he is cleared for his normal work. This is good...except it's 8pm-6am. I really, really hate when he works that shift, but I guess we'll take whatever we can get. Neat, right? Right.
Let's see...what else? Well, there's Corbin. He's doing fine. He had a bout of the Croup a while ago, but seems to have gotten over it without issue. He's saying a few more words now, and is sort of telling stories. He'll say stuff like "Fwaaa (his word for dog).... Ho ho ho!!!" when he's trying to tell me about the picture in his Clifford book of Clifford dressed like Santa. The kid thinks dogs that are dressed up are so damn funny! I wonder if someone makes a book of just that? Maybe I should. Molly wouldn't mind being dressed up in a hat and boa combo, would she?
We've also been able to visit Marquette (and it wasn't even snowing!! MUCH better!) and hang out with Grammy. She's also coming to visit this weekend, so we get max Grammy time this month. Whohoo!! That reminds me... I need to pick up some coffee. We also hung out with Rick, Jamie, and the girls while we were up there. They are always so much fun to see, and Corbin loves the amount of toys in the house. ;)
While being down in Holland we visited with our dear friends Lindsey and TJ, and their little girl Jaely. We had a delicious lunch at Pekidills (I totally spelled that wrong, didn't I Linds?) and played at a park, then hung out at their house for a while. It was so nice to have all of us together. We miss them so much.
I also got to visit with Erin and her little man, Jack, when we were down the first couple of times. It was so good to see them too... she's such a great mom and Jack is the sweetest, most laid back little guy ever. I love chatting with Erin, we never seem to run out of stuff to say to each other. :)
Being in that area just reaffirmed for us how much we want to live there...or at least somewhere near there. We miss our friends, our family, the lake, the stores, the area, the downtown, the everything. We both feel comfortable there. We have been back and forth between so many places in the last five years... I really miss feeling "at home". I haven't had that feeling in a long, long time. That area seems to be the most like home to me. I really hope we are able to move back there this year... cause I want that feeling again.
Well, Dragon Tales is over and some weird sewing show is on. Time to turn off the TV and do something mom-like. Hopefully the next update will not take as long... and be shorter. Good for you if you made it all the way to the end of this, as I barely did. :P
Oh, and always...some pictures...
Mother's Day Brunch

Corbin has done a lot of hanging with his Grandmas lately!


Corbin's first ice cream cone...he had to eat it on Grandma's porch, for obvious reasons

Isn't he just the sweetest thing???

1 comment:
He is the sweetest thing! It was so good to see you guys too. I misspell pekadills all the time. :) It would be awesome to live close to you again!
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