This morning I was watching "Good Morning America". First of all, don't be concerned, I am still an avid "Today Show" viewer. GMA just happened to be on and I was too lazy to find the remote. Anyhow, they had a bit about giving thanks. Being as it is getting close to Thanksgiving and all, it seemed appropriate.
I try to give thanks often. I say a prayer of thanks every night as I rock Corbin to sleep. I thank God for my family, our health, our friends, our home, our food, our car, etc. The problem is, I'm not very open with my emotions any more. I don't tell people I love them as much as I should. I don't tell them how much I appreciate them. I don't thank them as often as they deserve. I hope my friends and family understand that although I may not say it often, I love each of them and thank God for allowing me to have them in my life.
However, this little bit on GMA was specifically about thanking someone who has made a difference in your life, but you have not thanked appropriately. I sat for a moment and thought, who would this be for me? My parents? Obviously they have done so much for me. They molded me into who I am today. They have taken me in, far too many times. They have helped financially, they've babysat Corbin, they've taken care of me my whole life and continue to do so. Of course I wouldn't be me without them. I do appreciate all they have given me, and I hope they know this.
Who else? My husband, of course. He has provided me with the security of knowing he will always be there for me. He has made me laugh harder than anyone ever has, and tries his hardest to make me see the positive in everything. He and I have made it through some difficult times, times that would've easily torn apart two people who loved each other less. He reminds me that love should be easy, not full of wondering and suspicions and distrust. He's my best friend and I am thankful for every morning I wake up next to him...even if he is snoring like a truck.
Anyhow, the person I finally settled on is a friend. I have a few close friends who have done so much for me, and I love them dearly. This friend, however, made a huge impact in my life. Her name is Chris, and she honestly changed my life.
I met Chris at Grand Valley, my sophomore year. We had an English class together (was it two?) and she started talking to me because she liked my coat (I've got to admit, it was a pretty kick ass coat. Bright blue. Vinyl. What more could you want?). We had a lot in common, Chris and I. We went to a lot of lunches, and talked a lot about boys, school, and friends. We both eventually moved back to the east side, and kept in contact. We saw each other occasionally, I met her now husband Brandon, we chatted on the phone. Chris has always made me laugh, and just sort of "got me" in a way not too many others have. It has been awesome having her as a friend, and I really miss seeing her as often as I used to.
But the biggest difference Chris has made in my life is introducing me to Nate. One day she tells me she has a guy she wants me to meet. He's Brandon's friend, lives 8 hours away, and he's engaged. Sounds perfect, right? Obviously, I brush off her suggestion the first, oh, million times. Then one day she tells me he's coming down to visit them, he's broken up with his fiance, and I AM going to go out with him. If you know me and my resistance to doing new things, you will understand how difficult it was to talk me into this. But, I relented and one afternoon all four of us went to TGIFridays and Chuck E. Cheese. The rest, as they say, is history.
So Chris, I want to thank you. I want to thank you for knowing what I wanted, even when I didn't. I want to thank you for pushing me to do something I was nervous about. I want to thank you for being a good friend all of these years, for understanding me and my weirdness, and for making me feel not weird at all. Without you and your insistence, I would not have met and married my best friend. Without you, I would not have my beautiful Corbin. Thank you for pushing me, as you've made my dreams come true.