Man, those things make me laugh. Anyhow, it's Saturday night, Nate is talking to his mother on the phone, Corbin is sleeping, and I'm about to watch "Ace of Cakes". Pretty par for the course here. Not too much to report on... I'm itchy, we have a house showing on Monday, Corbin and I are off to visit my parents for a few days. There's not always a lot to do there, but at least it's a different room to stare at, a different Meijer to go to, and a different TV to watch. Corbin has some different toys to play with, different books to read, different cupboards/drawers/outlets/boxes to get into. That's all we can ask for, these days.
Corbin was a real bear tonight. He did not take a nap all day. Not even a tiny one, nothing. He actually fell asleep in his high chair, for the first time ever. Poor thing was just bobbing and weaving all over his pizza and frozen peas. I put him to bed right from there, and the screaming began. Little guy was so overtired, it took an hour to get him to sleep. Poor little monster. Hopefully he'll at least sleep a while tonight...Mommy and Daddy always love that!
Anyhow, here's a quick video of Corb falling asleep in the highchair...
While I'm at it, I'll throw in a few more shots and videos. I know the grandmas love the videos and pics, the rest of you can just deal. I'm a first time mom, I take a lot of pictures. :P
So, how redneck is this kid? He's got a black eye, big old Cletus teeth, he's climbing our big old recliner, wearing nothing but a diaper and a Simba shirt. Oh, and he's got impetigo. Nice, right?
Like father, like son...watching a little Yo Gabba Gabba
Playing in the park. Apparently Rachel loves Cody, isn't that sweet?
Isn't he just the sweetest thing?
And finally, here are a couple of bathtime videos. Really, Andrea will be the only one interested in these, probably. :) It's mostly just her son acting like a goofball.
Nate usually gives Corbin his baths, and has given all of the bathtoys names, voices, and personalities. I love listening to them laughing and goofing around in there, so I took a little video.
Oops, I'm going to have to add the videos later, as blogger is going crazy right now. Keep your eyes peeled!
1 comment:
OMG Srsly. That video made me want to laugh and cry all at the same time. Hilarious but sad all at once.
He is adorable. I lurve his redneckness. Ima eat him k?
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