Friday, February 13, 2009

I'm a real mom

This week I had a very real introduction to an aspect of motherhood that I had been lucky enough to avoid. I woke up to a very unhappy kiddo and crib covered in vomit. Somehow, in a year and a half, I've been able to scrape by with very minimal puking from Corb. He spit up sometimes as a little guy, and has thrown up twice in his carseat (once was on the way home from his surgery...can't blame him for that!), but he's never had the pleasant experience of waking up covered in it. I walked in and thought "that's it, I'm a real mom now, no turning back". And then I silently cursed this stupid apartment for not having a washer and dryer (none in the whole building. Curse them!!).
The vomiting turned into what we commonly refer to as the "pukey-poops", and it's been going on for days now. Blah. Poor little bug is hurting and tired and screams bloody murder when I change his diaper. He's had more baths in the last 4 days than he usually has in a couple weeks, and watched more cartoons that he ever knew existed. Thank goodness Amy and Becky have been coming over and taking the dirty laundry home to wash. We would've run out of towels and sheets long ago.
Today I am starting to feel icky. It just keeps getting better. Nate doesn't have a day off until Tuesday, and we will be in Marquette then for his CNA test. It's gonna be a loooooong week.

Oh, also, I joined Weight Watchers a little over a month ago and so far I've lost 13 pounds! Not too shabby, if I do say so myself. 13 down, about a billion left to go. :P


Courtney said...

Sorry to hear Corbin's sick. Hope you don't get sick. The whole office has had sick kids this week. I kept dreading that Landon would get something from daycare with all the stuff going around. He did get bitten on the elbow (of all places) yesterday and it's pretty bad.

Congrats on the WW and weight loss! I have a friend on LJ that is doing it too and she has lost 13 lbs in a month too!

Lindsey said...

Congrats on the weight loss Sarah! I wish i had the drive in me. I had it, but lost it. . .i will find it again!

Lindsey said...

Oh, and don't you feel just terrible when you walk in and find your child sleeping in vomit. . .

Hang in there.