First of all, we went to Target. Nate and I lurve looking at Halloween deco, costumes, etc. We rarely buy anything, but love looking. Oh, Nate is a big fan of looking at the Halloween candy too (surprised? didn't think so). Anyhow, Nate has been freaking out waiting for the stores to put out the Halloween stuff (yeah, we start a little early). Our Target has finally started putting out some stuff, including all of their signage. This is a picture of their main display....

THAT, my friends, is a Domo Kun. I love him. You don't see much Domo stuff around, except online and at Hot Topic. I like to imagine I started a trend, although it is far from the truth. Anyhow, Target has this giant stuffed Domo hanging, with a ton of awesome Domo signs all around. You must go see. They also have little stuffed Domos, Domo candy, all sorts of stuff. It's awesome. I wanted to just stand there and laugh at it all. He's too freaking cute.
Number two fantastic thing of the day...
We had fun with Corb today. Nate chased him around and he laughed and laughed. He had his bath, lotion, pjs, bottle and book like every other night. We've gotten him to fall asleep on his own, after a year of nursing him to sleep every. single. night. He cries for a little bit every night, but it's getting to be less and less. Anyhow, tonight I take him into bed and lay him down, still awake, not crying. I tell him goodnight and walk out of the room. He doesn't cry. I sit down to fold laundry. He still isn't crying. That kid fell asleep, all on his own, without even crying. I cannot believe it!! This may be the only time in his entire life that he does it, but still, I'm excited.
Oh yeah, the third good thing from today.... Nate got a job!!!!!!!! He went in to fill out his new hire paperwork today and starts training on Monday. It's a CNA job as a Home Health Nurse thingy? I don't totally get it, even though he's explained it a million times. :P Regardless, he will be working doing something interesting, something that he can learn a lot from, and something that will give him an actual paycheck at the end of the week. Thank God.
So yes, pretty good day, all things considered. :)
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