1. Have you seen the "Yo Gabba Gabba"? It's a show on Noggin and Nick Jr., made for little guys. It is freaking awesome. It's the only show Corbin will actually pay attention to, and it's crazy weird. They are these people dressed in monster like costumes, they sing little catchy songs and dance. They are all "owned" by a dude called DJ Lance Rock who wears a orange jumpsuit and furry hat. They are insane. We love them. Nate and I sing their songs all. the. time. Here's a picture so you can see the craziness. DJ Lance is in the middle.
Look them up on You Tube. You will enjoy them, methinks.
2. I've always sworn I would not add any apps on my Myspace account. Today I broke that promise. I just can't turn down stickers, regardless of how virtual they might be.
3. Corbin fell asleep tonight on his own, after only a little rocking and barely any sippy milk. Such a big boy.
4. We have a showing of the house tomorrow. We will be cleaning tomorrow morning. Yes, these things are related.
5. Nate actually worked today, thank goodness. I hope this job works out like we are hoping. Please send good thoughts.
6. Do you enjoy my lolcats? Perhaps you would also enjoy some political lolz. http://punditkitchen.com/ Funny, funny. My favorites are making fun of Palin, but I'll take the ones that make Obama look awesome as well. ;)
7. Corbin was such a nerd today. I took a little video, especially for any of your reading who might not see him often. He's just so much fun to watch when he's just hanging out, I wanted you to be able to see him too. He shows off a couple of his "tricks" in this one....
That's it for the list today. I'm exhausted and have to get up early to clean (you may notice my brand new laundry mountain in this video :P). Off to bed for me...
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