So, today was Nate's first day of training at his new job. Awesome! He's up, has directions, is dressed in his scrubs, runs out the door.... the car won't start. Of course. Turns out, the starter needed to be replaced. My wonderful, generous parents had to come out here and help us out. A few hundred dollars and a few hours later, it's running again, good as new. Why the car picked today, of all days, to crap out on us, we'll never know. Sometimes I think everything (including our vehicles) is out to get us. If it weren't for bad luck, we'd have none at all. I blame Nate for the luck.
In other news, we took Corbin to the doctor's today to look at some weird spots he had. Turns out he has impetigo, so we had to start him on an antibiotic. Gross, but he took the meds like a champ and hopefully it will go away soon.
That child continues to amaze me daily. Yesterday I decided it was time to try to switch Corbin off of bottles for good and only use sippy cups. He was only taking a bottle at naptime and bedtime, but he was pretty hard core about those ba-bas. Last night I gave him a sippy instead of the bottle. He wasn't a fan, but drank some and sat and rocked with me. I put him to bed awake (like always) and he cried for only a little while. Tonight we did the same thing and that child went to bed awake, laid down, and fell asleep. He did not cry at all! Not even one second. What a big boy!! I can't even believe how good he was. He is also starting to talk, a little. He says Da-Da and actually knows what it means. I think he also is saying "tit eee" for kitty and "waaasat" for what's that? I may be reading a little too much into his babbles, but mothers are allowed to do that kind of thing.
He's getting too big, too fast. Today he's done with bottles, tomorrow he's in a big boy bed, talking, going to school, moving out, getting married, having his own babies, and then putting me in a nursing home and not visiting. :( I may be getting a little ahead of myself, but lately I'm realizing how quickly he has grown. I tried to appreciate every second, but it seems I've turned around and I have a little boy on my hands.
Here's a picture of the big boy (wearing a leather jacket from a Build A Bear) looking delightfully redneck.
Oh, and at the doctor's today he was 27 lbs. and 32 inches. What happened to my tiny (well, tiny is relative...) little 10 and a half pound newborn? Where did he go??
1 comment:
TINY 10lber... oh my LOL!!
He is freaking adorable!
Yea for nates job that is fantastic I am also glad ya'll got the car fixed.
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